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Friday, September 27, 2013

Free Online Weight Loss Tips to Trigger Fast and Furious Weight Loss

Here are a few online weight loss tips that can trigger weight loss quickly and safely.

1. Drink lots of water: Dietitians advise drinking lots of water for any diet plan. The reason is simple because water fills your body and you will tend to eat less as well. Less intake of food lesser calories intake which is critical for weight loss.

2. Eat Lots of Veggies and Fruits: Veggies and fruits are other foods that will fill your appetite quite quickly and you will have little room for other kinds of foods.

3. Exercise: Exercise for at least 15 to 20 minutes everyday. Alternatively you can also go out for walks, jogs, engage in cleaning home, doing gardening, laundry etc.

4. Brush you Teeth: To avoid a late evening diet, brush your teeth because once you brush your teeth you don't feel like eating.

5. Serve in baby plates: Have your food in baby plates so that you will have your plate full of food and your mind will think as if you have had a lot of food.

6. Watch your Weight: There is no better way of knowing your progressing than keeping track of your weight. By keeping track of your weight, you are more likely to be successful in reducing and maintaining your weight.

7. Eat 5 to 6 Mini meals a day: By having a number of mini meals, you have a much better chance of losing weight. This is because your body will be able to burn calories much quicker this way than when you wait till you are completely empty and have a full meal.

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