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Monday, November 4, 2013

2011 Weight Loss And Diet Plan Of Attack

Have you been looking to lose weight but have been putting it off for some time now? Well that sounds like most of us out there and trust me I know where you are coming from because I put off losing weight for about three years before I ever did anything about and trust me once I finally did make a plan of attack diet plan I felt better then I ever have in my life. Plain and simple.

Now let me give you an an insight to what I went threw, I went threw the whole party phase, the staying out late nights with friends, parties, drinking, bars, and late night stops and del taco and jack in the box. and in just 1 year I went from 170 to 240lbs it was horrible and every picture I seen myself in I cringed. I knew I had to take my life back and here is how:

I cut out all fast foods,

I cut out soda, and drinking beer for 3 months.

I joined a gym and bought and read every weight loss book I could get my hands on for motivation.

I found a workout buddy that could keep me motivated along the way.

I exercised 45 minutes a day and walked for about 30 of those minutes 5 days a week.

I started to pre-plan all of my meals and write down all calories.

This all sounds like a lot of work but plain and simple its not and within 6 months I was able to shed off 45 pounds and feel better then ever. All you need to do is have dedication and motivation. Also last tip of advice, drink 10 glasses of water a day to help flush out your system of all bad toxins.

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