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Monday, November 4, 2013

2011 Weight Loss And Diet Plan Of Attack

Have you been looking to lose weight but have been putting it off for some time now? Well that sounds like most of us out there and trust me I know where you are coming from because I put off losing weight for about three years before I ever did anything about and trust me once I finally did make a plan of attack diet plan I felt better then I ever have in my life. Plain and simple.

Now let me give you an an insight to what I went threw, I went threw the whole party phase, the staying out late nights with friends, parties, drinking, bars, and late night stops and del taco and jack in the box. and in just 1 year I went from 170 to 240lbs it was horrible and every picture I seen myself in I cringed. I knew I had to take my life back and here is how:

I cut out all fast foods,

I cut out soda, and drinking beer for 3 months.

I joined a gym and bought and read every weight loss book I could get my hands on for motivation.

I found a workout buddy that could keep me motivated along the way.

I exercised 45 minutes a day and walked for about 30 of those minutes 5 days a week.

I started to pre-plan all of my meals and write down all calories.

This all sounds like a lot of work but plain and simple its not and within 6 months I was able to shed off 45 pounds and feel better then ever. All you need to do is have dedication and motivation. Also last tip of advice, drink 10 glasses of water a day to help flush out your system of all bad toxins.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

Learn the Three Basic Tips For Weight Loss

A lot of people are interested in losing weight and they are ready to do whatever it takes to just get rid of the fat. They read articles and books concerning methods of weight loss, but mostly, people are unaware of the very basics. You try harder and harder, you skip meals, you try exercising but nothing works on you only because you are not familiar with the fundamental concepts of weight loss strategies. Therefore, this article is meant for you to read and understand the key concepts which will help you devise an organized and effective weight loss strategy.

The first thing you need to know is that whatever you eat, it enters the body in the form of calories, these calories deposit themselves on your muscles in the form of fats and this is how you gain excessive weight. Now in order to ensure that you get minimum amount of calories and maximum amount of energy, you have to cut down on the high calorie diet and start working out. Exercising helps speed up your body's metabolism rate which burns your calories faster. The more you work out, the more calories

Keep in mind that a high carb diet is your archenemy so you should always prefer protein over carbohydrates. Protein help speed up the metabolism and you can digest food quickly and get rid of the unnecessary sugar and fats.

You have to keep yourself hydrated as well your muscles which means you have to drink plenty of water every day. Water consumption is essential for any weight loss program. Moreover, the people who are concerned about their skin and hair should also benefit from water because it helps keep your entire body healthy.

For More Related Topics Blog: Calories Per Day For Weight Loss

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Are You Ready to Give Up on Weight Loss?

Everyday I receive many mails and messages from people who are trying to lose weight but all in vain. They have tried every possible thing but have concluded that it is not possible for them to lose weight. They have lost all hope.

Some of them have spent their entire lives trying to lose weight but never succeed, a few of them have lost weight but again gained back all the weight when they went back to their normal diet.

A women from Alabama wrote about her problem regarding weight loss. She had been trying to lose 60 pounds for about 23 years but all in vain. She finally gave up in the end and came up with the conclusion that she will be fat for the rest of her life.

But it may be astonishing that the same lady is now 65 pounds lighter than she was about one year ago with just a little guidance. Therefore, all we need is a proper guidance in spite of diet plans.

We do not need to get demoralised regarding weight loss. We can lose weight if we are really willing to do it but all we need is courage and proper guidance.

People who lose weight and maintain their lost weight undoubtedly follow these simple and plain tips:

1. Exercise as discussed every time is the major part of diet control. Aerobics is the best form of exercise which can be helpful to us. We should exercise at least 5 - 7 days each week. 45 minutes of exercise daily can not only help you to burn more calories but also speeds up your rate of metabolism.

2. Weight training is also an important part of exercise. Even 2 - 3 days of weight lifting per week can lead to great results.

Lastly we should learn to develop healthy eating habits. For this purpose exercise can help a lot. Many people have told me that their regular exercise not only keeps them physically but mentally active as well and helps them to make much better choices regarding food.

If we are really serious about weight loss then we must get serious about exercise as well as it helps to burn your calories.

- Exercising can increase your metabolic rate.

- Make exercise your part of daily routine as if you brush your teeth daily.

- Take exercise as an important means to get healthy and fit.

For More Related Topics Blog: Most Effective Weight Loss

Crash Diet Weight Loss - The Road to Success Or the Road to Hell?

Crash diets have always been very popular and appealing for the vast majority of people, who desire to lose weight. Everyone wants to lose weight quickly and crash diets do just that. Which is exactly the reason people use them so much for weight loss. But there are also side-effects of crash diets. Should you lose weight with crash diets?

The main problem that every person, who is overweight or even obese, is that they eat too much food. Basically they are addicted to food - some more, some less. So it is very hard to stop eating the foods you like overnight and never eat them again.

The problem is that when you go on a very strict diet, then you certainly lose a lot of weight very quickly, but it is very hard to stay on such a diet. When before you could eat anything you liked, then on a strict diet you can not to that. Around 95% or so of people, who lose weight with crash diets, gain the weight back again. Is it worth it.

A much better approach would be the moderate and slow one. Which people do not like, because it does not sound very impressive, but this method is much more successful. Then you do not have to give up all of your favourite "naughty" foods like pizza or hamburger. When you eat around 5-6 small meals a day, then you can afford to "cheat" with 1-2 meals a week, if you keep your calories under control.

When you can have 1-2 cheat meals a week, then you are less likely to give up and can enjoy losing weight. Although you may not lose as much weight in the beginning, but since you can and will gain it all back, it is worthless anyway. Maintaining your weight, is a much more difficult challenge.

Another very important aspect about weight loss is stress. So many people try to get rid of stress by eating foods. You are even more likely to fail with a diet, if you have these problems. Finding some way to relief stress other than food, is essential.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Programs To Lose Weight

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Counting Calories - Weight Loss Facts and Figures

If you are looking to lose weight, one of the biggest factors you will have to consider is the nutritional content of the food you consume. It does not mean you have to sit there counting calories; weight loss should not be that boring. However, you should have a rough idea of your daily intake.

Although, no article can give you a list of every single food item, in this article, I will give you the calories found in the food you eat regularly. You will then realise how easy it is to lose weight, by seeing how many calories you need to lose a single pound - you then just build on that.

Chicken breast fillet 150g - 170 (calories)

Lamb chop 30g - 70

Pork chop 30g - 75

Jacket potato 180g - 245

Broccoli, boiled 30g - 7

Celery, raw 40g - 2

Mushrooms, fried 30g - 45

Brown bread, slice - 75

Digestive biscuit - 75

Jam doughnut - 140

Coffee, 250ml, with milk - 18

Coke 330ml - 139

Orange juice 250ml - 110

Whole milk 30ml - 20

Big Mac - 495

Fries, 100g - 250

Pizza slice, 70g - 180

So, there you have a list of the in most of the everyday food we eat. Remember, 1 pound of weight equals 3,500 calories. This may seem a high number, but if you look on the list, you will see that a Big Mac alone contains 495 calories, so, it is the equivalent of about 7 Big Macs. Of course, losing weight is not just about calories - weight loss is about an all-round plan.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Programs For Women

Best Weight Loss Program For Women - Lose Stubborn Stomach Fat Fast

Here's one of the best weight loss programs for women. It'll allow you to lose stubborn stomach fat fast... without having to suffer through hours of cardio and extreme diets.

Best Weight Loss Program For Women

1. The exercise part - do some incline walking

To lose weight as efficiently as possible, you're going to need to combine exercise and diet efforts. One without the other mostly gives sub-par and temporary results.

For exercise, do some simple walking. But make 1 change. Make sure you're walking up an incline. Since most people don't have a hill nearby, a treadmill that inclines is what you'll need to use.

My suggestion... just incline it slightly. Ten to fifteen degrees. Nothing too steep. Then... just walk for 20-25 minutes. Before you start saying inside your head that "it's just walking"... well, try it once and there'll be nothing more to say.

You'll realize how great it is for fat loss after doing it just once. So try it and see how you'll lose stubborn stomach fat fast.

2. The diet part - protein shakes and apples

Obviously there are 2 parts. Notice I don't even touch on your meals... the protein shakes are more mini-meals or snacks. Working with thousands of women has shown me that I need to start with snacks first.

And protein shakes and apples fit the bill.

All I want you to do is alternate between eating an apple and drinking a protein shake that has 20-30 grams of protein in it. And of course, eat your normal meals.

Now, to be clear... if you eat healthier you'll get better results. But I'm allowing you to eat you regular foods so you don't feel like you're suffering. The apples and protein shakes will take care of how much you eat during those meals. It'll be less. Smile. That's exactly what we want.

This is a good "starter plan". I consider it the best weight loss program for women who are transitioning to a more healthy diet.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick Diet Plans To Lose Weight Fast