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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crash Diet Weight Loss - The Road to Success Or the Road to Hell?

Crash diets have always been very popular and appealing for the vast majority of people, who desire to lose weight. Everyone wants to lose weight quickly and crash diets do just that. Which is exactly the reason people use them so much for weight loss. But there are also side-effects of crash diets. Should you lose weight with crash diets?

The main problem that every person, who is overweight or even obese, is that they eat too much food. Basically they are addicted to food - some more, some less. So it is very hard to stop eating the foods you like overnight and never eat them again.

The problem is that when you go on a very strict diet, then you certainly lose a lot of weight very quickly, but it is very hard to stay on such a diet. When before you could eat anything you liked, then on a strict diet you can not to that. Around 95% or so of people, who lose weight with crash diets, gain the weight back again. Is it worth it.

A much better approach would be the moderate and slow one. Which people do not like, because it does not sound very impressive, but this method is much more successful. Then you do not have to give up all of your favourite "naughty" foods like pizza or hamburger. When you eat around 5-6 small meals a day, then you can afford to "cheat" with 1-2 meals a week, if you keep your calories under control.

When you can have 1-2 cheat meals a week, then you are less likely to give up and can enjoy losing weight. Although you may not lose as much weight in the beginning, but since you can and will gain it all back, it is worthless anyway. Maintaining your weight, is a much more difficult challenge.

Another very important aspect about weight loss is stress. So many people try to get rid of stress by eating foods. You are even more likely to fail with a diet, if you have these problems. Finding some way to relief stress other than food, is essential.

For More Related Topics Blog: Workout Programs To Lose Weight

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