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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is Acai FDA Approved? Does FDA Certify Acai Berry's Health & Weight Loss Benefits?

Acai berry, the little dark purple fruit from Brazil is widely being promoted as a super food used for weight loss & anti aging. As we surf through the internet, we would come across innumerable health benefits of this Amazonian grape like berry. But if you go through them in detail, some of the websites at the bottom of the page say - 'not certified by FDA or USDA.'

Yes! Astonishing truth is that the health benefits of this wonder fruit are not yet certified by any such agency. Though, this does not imply that this product is a scam. As we read through the blogs, comments & reviews given by the users, everyone has reaped the weight loss & anti aging benefits of this fruit. Also none of them have reported any side effects as such.

Now, even if this fruit is not certified for the claims the doctors & scientists are making for it, for several other things it has got some certifications as well:

· Acai actually grows on the acai palm trees of the Amazon. Considering its fame, many people are trying to plant it for sale. But, what we must understand is that nature knows its job the best. When we create a given environment for the tree, we can not achieve the real quality product. So there are certifications that ensure that you are buying a supplement made up of sheerly organic acai. The products that are 100% organic acai enjoy the Kosher certification.

· Besides, the quality products have to undergo the USDA & FDA quality tests specifically for the acai puree & juices. Only then they are allowed to be packaged in the USA.

· The scientists in Florida have certified that acai is a sure prevention from cancers like colon & stomach.

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